The importance of storytelling has often been highlighted by both business communication gurus and by marketing specialists. And yet, one of the most common misconceptions is that story is not important in every setting. From the communicator’s point of view, it may at the time indeed seem like the story is not that important. But, for listeners story is what helps them emotionally connect with the subject matter, is what allows them to pay more attention and become more empathetic to what they are hearing. So, why should you tell stories?
Stories Engage Listeners
Storytelling is an integral part of our childhood, and it’s perhaps for that reason that even well into adulthood the thought of hearing a story makes our ears perk up. Stories are associated with pleasure and while facts and statistics may engage with the logical part of our brains, stories engage with emotions. What’s more, studies have shown that when we listen to stories, our body releases dopamine into our bloodstream, increasing in this way the amount of pleasure that we get from hearing a story.
Stories Build Connections
As a listener, a story will allow you to connect to the characters or their circumstances. Humans are communal beings and as such we often need to know that the communicator is capable of sharing their own stories and vulnerabilities with the audience. This will make them more relatable and it will allow the audience to see their more human side. It can also make the listener wish for the success of the communicator, making them in this way invested in the outcome of the story.
Use a Story to Describe the Future
One of the most powerful tools in marketing is the ability to use the story as a way of making the audience imagine their lives if they had one specific item or product. The idea of imagining yourself in a new reality is extremely effective, and it is also one that most customers or consumers will fall into. This is because dreaming of a more ideal future is something that everyone has experienced, and oftentimes those small things that make us feel like we are closer to that goal are hard to resist. Using story in this way allows your listener to dream and oftentimes that can be the most effective tool of all.

Story is a great way of getting listeners engaged, but even more importantly it is a great way of getting listeners to care. Sharing vulnerabilities and stories of courage can be an extremely pleasurable experience for the listener and it can help them relate both to the situation and the person. Apart from using story as a way of encouraging empathy, your story can also be used as a tool to inspire the listener to envision the future. This is often used in marketing as it is a great way of making people feel emotionally connected to the idea of owning a specific item. Making story a tool for engaging with reality.
Ready to use storytelling as a powerful tool and need a beautiful presentation to complement your amazing story? Start a chat with Mad Creative Beanstalk to take your deck to the next level. Get in touch with us today!
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