4 Ways to Deliver Branding Using a Corporate PowerPoint Template

If you are new to the creation of effective PowerPoint presentations, then you may not be as familiar with the concept of having pre-prepared templates that are carefully made to represent your brand identity. Whether it is for a sale pitch, a company presentation, a training seminar or a publicity conference having your brand identity visible throughout your PowerPoint can change the way that people perceive your presentation and it can help create a more lasting image in their head.

If you are looking to create powerful corporate PowerPoint templates that perfectly represent your brand identity you will need to consider using the 4 key ways described below to build an effective presentation template.

1. Logo

Your logo is the most distinctive part of your entire branding. This is why it is important to use your logo frequently on your presentation template. In fact, if there is a way for you to use it in every slide, even if it is just in a subtle way, then you should consider doing that. Also, make sure that there is consistency in the way that your logo is present on the screen. Having a massive logo on one page and a small barely visible one of the next may do more harm than good as it will look disproportionate and will not consistently showcase your brand identity.

2. Color

When deciding your brand identity, you should also consider deciding on a color palette. This color palette is what you will want to use throughout your presentation. The colors used in your logo are often a good starting point for the creation of the palette. By thinking of their complementary colors or contrasting colors companies can create a beautiful palette.

3. Font

Much like with colors, you want to choose fonts that will complement each other. You also do not want to choose a different font on each page as that will draw attention away from your content. If you have printed content, you also want to use the same fonts on those so that you can ensure that your brand identity is consistently represented throughout your content and presentation. Make sure to choose a professional font for your presentation and more importantly where possible, choose one that will look great regardless of the size of the screen that your presentation is shown on.

4. Consistency

All of the elements discussed above comedown to one key concept and that is the concept of consistency. Creating brand guidelines and then templates based on those will help create consistency throughout your presentations. This consistency is also a vital element when approaching clients or creating a brand that is easily recognizable. For modern designers creating this consistency for the companies they work for is one of the most important aspects of their job and the PowerPoint templates can be a crucial aspect of that work as they can help further enhance the company’s brand identity and its representation. 






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